60 Day Love Avoidant Rehab
For my love avoidants who are wanting to focus specifically on the issues that plague us which includes:
- Difficulty connecting to our feelings and our bodies
- Inability to rest for long periods of time (gotta stay busy and moving)
- Our inability to let others in and trust
- How quickly we cut people off… and really don’t care but also really want connection
- How to protect our sensitive hearts and when it seems like we have so much riding on us
I have something for you…
For those who only want to focus on all things love avoidance, this 60 Day Love Avoidant Rehab course just for you. I’ll be teaching about everything above along with what does it look like to be in a healthy partnership when you still struggle with love avoidance and how to many steps when healing is hard.
We will talk about healing from trauma when emotions are hard and what it looks like to be patience with ourselves.
Pre-enrollment opens on January 5th, with $100 off until December 25th!
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- Preferred optionOne-time payment of $595$595.00
- Preferred option2 Monthly Payment of $3502x $350.00
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